Sunday, September 29, 2013
Friday, September 27, 2013
HEALTH: Brain damaging habits
1. No Breakfast
People who do not take breakfast are going
to have a lower blood sugar level.
This leads to an insufficient supply of
nutrients to the brain causing brain
2. Overeating
It causes hardening of the brain arteries,
leading to a decrease in mental power.
3. Smoking
It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may
lead to Alzheimer disease.
4. High Sugar consumption
Too much sugar will interrupt the
absorption of proteins and nutrients causing
malnutrition and may interfere with brain
5. Air Pollution
The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in
our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the
supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing
about a decrease in brain efficiency.
6. Sleep Deprivation
Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term
deprivation from sleep will accelerate the
death of brain cells.
7. Head covered while sleeping
Sleeping with the head covered increases the
concentration of carbon dioxide and
decrease concentration of oxygen that may
lead to brain damaging effects.
8. Working your brain during illness
Working hard or studying with sickness may
lead to a decrease in effectiveness of the
brain as well as damage the brain.
9. Lacking in stimulating thoughts
Thinking is the best way to train our brain,
lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may
cause brain shrinkage.
10. Talking Rarely
Intellectual conversations will promote the
efficiency of the brain.
Share This Helpful Information With Your
Beloved Ones.
HEALTH: General tips
1. Copy your kitty: Learn to do stretching
exercises when you wake up. It boosts
circulation and digestion , and eases
back pain.
2. Don’t skip breakfast: Studies show that
eating a proper breakfast is one of the
most positive things you can do if you are
trying to lose weight. Breakfast skippers
tend to gain weight. A balanced breakfast
includes fresh fruit or fruit juice, a high-
fibre breakfast cereal, low-fat milk or
yoghurt, wholewheat toast, and a boiled
3. Brush up on hygiene: Many people
don't know how to brush their teeth
properly. Improper brushing can cause as
much damage to the teeth and gums as
not brushing at all. Lots of people don’t
brush for long enough, don’t floss and
don’t see a dentist regularly. Hold your
toothbrush in the same way that would
hold a pencil, and brush for at least two
minutes. This includes brushing the teeth,
the junction of the teeth and gums, the
tongue and the roof of the mouth. And you
don't need a fancy, angled toothbrush –
just a sturdy, soft-bristled one that you
replace each month.
4. Neurobics for your mind: Get your
brain fizzing with energy. American
researchers coined the term ‘neurobics’ for
tasks which activate the brain's own
biochemical pathways and to bring new
pathways online that can help to
strengthen or preserve brain circuits. Brush
your teeth with your ‘other’ hand, take a
new route to work or choose your clothes
based on sense of touch rather than sight.
People with mental agility tend to have
lower rates of Alzheimer's disease and
age-related mental decline.
5. Get what you give: Always giving and
never taking? This is the short road to
compassion fatigue. Give to yourself and
receive from others, otherwise you’ll get to
a point where you have nothing left to give.
And hey, if you can’t receive from others,
how can you expect them to receive from
6. Get spiritual: A study conducted by the
formidably sober and scientific Harvard
University found that patients who were
prayed for recovered quicker than those
who weren’t, even if they weren’t aware of
the prayer.
7. Get smelly: Garlic, onions, spring
onions and leeks all contain stuff that’s
good for you. A study at the Child’s Health
Institute in Cape Town found that eating
raw garlic helped fight serious childhood
infections. Heat destroys these properties,
so eat yours raw, wash it down with fruit
juice or, if you’re a sissy, have it in tablet
8. Knock one back: A glass of red wine a
day is good for you. A number of studies
have found this, but a recent one found
that the polyphenols (a type of antioxidant)
in green tea, red wine and olives may also
help protect you against breast cancer. It’s
thought that the antioxidants help protect
you from environmental carcinogens
such as passive tobacco smoke.
9. Bone up daily: Get your daily calcium by
popping a tab, chugging milk or eating
yoghurt. It’ll keep your bones strong.
Remember that your bone density declines
after the age of 30. You need at least 200
milligrams daily, which you should
combine with magnesium, or it simply
won’t be absorbed.
10. Berries for your belly: Blueberries,
strawberries and raspberries contain plant
nutrients known as anthocyanidins, which
are powerful antioxidants. Blueberries rival
grapes in concentrations of resveratrol –
the antioxidant compound found in red
wine that has assumed near mythological
proportions. Resveratrol is believed to help
protect against heart disease and cancer.
11. Curry favour: Hot, spicy foods
containing chillies or cayenne pepper
trigger endorphins, the feel-good
hormones. Endorphins have a powerful,
almost narcotic, effect and make you feel
good after exercising. But go easy on the
lamb, pork and mutton and the high-fat,
creamy dishes.
12. Cut out herbs before ops: Some
herbal supplements – from the popular St
John's Wort and ginkgo biloba to garlic,
ginger, ginseng and feverfew – can cause
increased bleeding during surgery, warn
surgeons. It may be wise to stop taking all
medication, including herbal supplements,
at least two weeks before surgery, and
inform your surgeon about your herbal
13. I say tomato: Tomato is a superstar in
the fruit and veggie pantheon. Tomatoes
contain lycopene, a powerful cancer
fighter. They’re also rich in vitamin C. The
good news is that cooked tomatoes are
also nutritious, so use them in pasta,
soups and casseroles, as well as in salads.
The British Thoracic Society says that
tomatoes and apples can reduce your risk
of asthma and chronic lung diseases .
Both contain the antioxidant quercetin. To
enjoy the benefits, eat five apples a week
or a tomato every other day.
14. Eat your stress away: Prevent low
blood sugar as it stresses you out. Eat
regular and small healthy meals and keep
fruit and veggies handy. Herbal teas will
also soothe your frazzled nerves. Eating
unrefined carbohydrates, nuts and
bananas boosts the formation of
serotonin, another feel-good drug. Small
amounts of protein containing the amino
acid tryptamine can give you a boost when
stress tires you out.
15. Load up on vitamin C: We need at least
90 mg of vitamin C per day and the best
way to get this is by eating at least five
servings of fresh fruit and vegetables every
day. So hit the oranges and guavas!
16. No folly in folic acid: Folic acid should
be taken regularly by all pregnant mums
and people with a low immunity to disease.
Folic acid prevents spina bifida in unborn
babies and can play a role in cancer
prevention. It is found in green leafy
vegetables, liver, fruit and bran.
17. "A" for Away: This vitamin, and beta
carotene, help to boost immunity against
disease. It also assists in the healing
process of diseases such as measles and is
recommended by the WHO. Good natural
sources of vitamin A are kidneys, liver,
dairy products, green and yellow
vegetables, pawpaw, mangoes, chilli
pepper, red sorrel and red palm oil.
18. Pure water: Don’t have soft drinks or
energy drinks while you're exercising. Stay
properly hydrated by drinking enough
water during your workout (just don't
overdo things, as drinking too much water
can also be dangerous). While you might
need energy drinks for long-distance
running, in shorter exercise sessions in the
gym, your body will burn the glucose from
the soft drink first, before starting to burn
body fat. Same goes for eating sweets.
19. GI, Jane: Carbohydrates with a high
glycaemic index , such as bread, sugar,
honey and grain-based food will give
instant energy and accelerate your
metabolism. If you’re trying to burn fat,
stick to beans, rice, pasta, lentils, peas,
soya beans and oat bran, all of which have
a low GI count.
20. Mindful living: You've probably heard
the old adage that life's too short to stuff a
mushroom. But perhaps you should
consider the opposite: that life's simply too
short NOT to focus on the simple tasks. By
slowing down and concentrating on basic
things, you'll clear your mind of everything
that worries you. Really concentrate on
sensations and experiences again: observe
the rough texture of a strawberry's skin as
you touch it, and taste the sweet-sour juice
as you bite into the fruit; when your
partner strokes your hand, pay careful
attention to the sensation on your skin;
and learn to really focus on simple tasks
while doing them, whether it's flowering
plants or ironing your clothes.
21. The secret of stretching: When you
stretch, ease your body into position until
you feel the stretch and hold it for about
25 seconds. Breathe deeply to help your
body move oxygen-rich blood to those
sore muscles. Don't bounce or force
yourself into an uncomfortable position.
22. Do your weights workout first:
Experts say weight training should be done
first, because it's a higher intensity
exercise compared to cardio. Your body is
better able to handle weight training early
in the workout because you're fresh and
you have the energy you need to work it.
Conversely, cardiovascular exercise should
be the last thing you do at the gym,
because it helps your body recover by
increasing blood flow to the muscles, and
flushing out lactic acid, which builds up in
the muscles while you're weight training.
It’s the lactic acid that makes your muscles
feel stiff and sore.
(From the Heath24 team)
Feel free to drop your comments ...
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
A lot of people have actually prayed for things and didn't see anything that looked like the answer because they didn't know what to expect.
Firstly, I like to say to you that prayer is not the moment of complaint to God rather it's a moment of communing with God, talking to & with the father & also a time of declaring his mighty power over the works of man & of the earth. When you have this understanding you wouldn't be complaining when you pray rather your attitude towards prayer would change.
Our text says everything you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it & it will be yours. This means if
Monday, September 23, 2013
3 MINUTES MESSAGE SERIES: Importance of the word

THE MOTIVATION SERIES: God is a friend of silence
We Need to Find God,
He Cannot Be Found in Noise and Restlessness.
God Is the Friend of Silence.
See How Nature . . .
Trees, Flowers, Grass Grow in Silence.
See the Stars,
the Moon and Sun . . .
ASUU blasts NUC, says strike continues: National President, ASUU, Nasir Issa-Fagge
The Academic Staff Union of Universities said the
existence of the National Universities Commission has
not brought improvement to the standard of education
in the country.
The union also said that it would not call off the strike
because of the mere promise made by the Federal
Government to provide revitalisation fund for the
university system.
ASUU also called on the National Assembly to investigate
the activities of NUC with a view to determining the continued relevance or otherwise of the university supervisory body.
If found irrelevant, ASUU said it should be scrapped.
Chairman of ASUU, University of Ibadan chapter, Dr. Olusegun Ajiboye, who spoke in Ibadan noted that the NUC boss, Prof. Julius Okojie, had concentrated the
effort of the university regulatory body on quantity rather than quality while issuing accreditation to universities.
Ajiboye said, “Okojie should take full responsibility for all
his deeds in the NUC. Nigerians should be proud of
ASUU in its efforts at repositioning public universities in
the country.”
The union leader added that the result of the assessment
exercise of NUC carried out by the National Economic
Empowerment Development Strategy should be used to
judge the relevance of NUC and its leader rather than the
self-assessment of the regulatory agency.
He said some of the accreditations granted by NUC were
enmeshed in controversy, wondering why the National
Assembly had not taken action on the controversies
surrounding the accreditations so far recorded.
He said, “One of the efforts of ASUU to reposition
education in the country is the NEEDS Assessment
document. This was a product of a rigorous academic
exercise carried out by dependable and credible
members of our union. Unlike the numerous faulty accreditation reports which had given these universities clean bill of health, the NEEDS Assessment Report stands
out as a classical document of reference detailing the rot
and decay in public universities in Nigeria.
“All well meaning Nigerians can see the contrast between
Okojie’s packaged accreditation reports and a credible
job done by ASUU. It has become very clear from the
assessment document that Okojie and his people have
fooled this country for too long. Time is now for
government to beam a searchlight on the activities of
the NUC. The education committees in both the Senate
and House of Representatives have an arduous task to do
here. Nigerians are calling for dismantling of an omnibus
body that has done the country more harm than good.”
ASUU also reiterated its commitment to the current
effort to gain Federal Government consent to its demand,
saying that the strike would not be called off based on
mere government promise.
Meanwhile, a non-governmental organisation, Do It Right
Foundation, has appealed to the Federal Government and
ASUU to work hard and resolve the lingering crisis that has shut down the education sector.
In a statement on Sunday, President and National
Coordinator of the foundation, Mr. Dixon Jubril, called
on the university lecturers to give room for re-opening
of the universities in the interest of the students.
“It has become a burden on both the government and
ASUU to save the education sector from collapse by
finding a common ground for the amicable resolution of
the crisis. What both parties to the dispute must have in
mind is that while the situation lingers it is the future of
the students that is at stake.
“We call on ASUU in particular to shift ground a bit for
the common good of the education system. It’s our
belief that the time has come for ASUU to devise other
means of settling its disputes with government instead of
the constant disruption of academic activities with its
attendant socio-economic implications.”
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Friday, September 20, 2013
THE MOTIVATION SERIES: You're inevitable
Men can only RECOMMEND someone with proven ABILITIES. People will always look for you when they know you are EXCEPTIONAL at what you do. It is the VALUE you create that gives you ACCESS to kings. You can't be a problem solver and not be
POST-UTME 2013/2014
The results for UNICAL post-utme for 1st choice applicants is out.
Click HERE for more details on result checking.
ASUU May End Strike Within Next Two Weeks
There has emerged indications that the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) may
call of its ongoing strike within next two weeks.
This information appeared after a Thursday closed-door meeting with the ASUU members and
Nigerian Vice-President, Namadi Sambo , in Abuja.
The parties did not disclose the details of the meeting, which lasted for almost two hours.
However, ASUU National President, Dr. Nasir Faggae, told State House Correspondents that the
union would make its position known after the National Executive Council (NEC) meeting
scheduled for Saturday, September 21.
In turn, the supervising Minister of Education, Nyesom Wike had assured Nigerians that students
would soon return to school as the FG stands ready to shift ground.
An insider source who wanted to say anonymous, disclosed that going by the new offers made
by the FG, the strike might end within the next two weeks because the FG had agreed to
release fund to revitalize the university system.
"The meeting went well, the vice-president made some new offers that were different from what
was on ground before. For instance, the Federal Government had agreed to start the injection
of revitalisation fund into the university system starting with N100bn this year and N150bn
in 2014 and this will continue until the university system is solid enough to stand ," the
source said.
Zechariah 9:9 Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout, Daughter Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
Zechariah exhorted his audience to warmly welcome the Messiah when He came to His people. The coming king would not show up as an overbearing conqueror. He would gently demonstrate love and compassion. Righteousness would characterize His person and His reign.
In the Near East, a king coming for battle rode a war stallion. One coming in peace rode on a donkey. Jesus came to provide man the ultimate peace by His death on the cross. 500 years after Zechariah’s prophecy, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. Many welcomed Him that Sunday shouting,
“Hosanna to the Son of David!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”
“Hosanna in the highest!”
The large crowd spread their cloaks out on the road. Others cut branches from trees and spread them before Jesus. But by the end of that week, the fickle crowd was shouting “Crucify Him!”
What turned the crowd against Jesus? They didn’t get what they wanted. They wanted a powerful king to deliver them from the rule of Rome. Jesus came as a servant to deliver them from the rule of sin.
They wanted a king to reign; Jesus came to die. Their attitude about Jesus changed because He wasn’t who they wanted Him to be.
Let us never make the same mistake.
Father, may I worship You for who You are; not for who I want You to be. In Jesus’ name. Amen.